A.S. Conveyor Systems bring the widest range of elevating belt conveyors and inclined conveyor belt systems to you.

We are UK suppliers and manufacturers of belt based elevator and incline conveyor systems with very competitive prices and options based on different models, designs of belts, drives, stands and side guides manufactured to high specifications and supplied to you on time.

These robust incline conveyor models are designed for a wide variety of applications from loose parts movement to general component transfer in industries such as automotive, distribution, plastics, packaging and many other production processes.

We offer an industry leading 10 year warranty on all Dorner conveyors. No other company in the industry offers a longer warranty. Terms and conditions apply.
Some versions are manufactured with a fixed angle of incline or decline, while some other models can be adjusted. Our expertise and experience will find the right elevating or sometimes referred to as “Swan Neck” conveying product for the job you need to do and help you pay less in the process.

You can be assured of receiving quality equipment with a full warranty.
Elevating belt conveyor systems can be more complex than standard flat belt conveyors, so if you are not sure which way to go with your project, we are only a phone call away with experienced, plain talking advice that’s free, non technical and friendly.
Please email info@asconveyorsystems.co.uk or ring 01772 6906556.